
Showing posts from August, 2022


  What are Angles When two rays combine with a common endpoint and the angle is formed. The two components of an angle are “sides” and “vertex”. The side can be categorized into terminal sides and initial sides (or vertical sides) as shown in the image below. Representation of an Angle These two rays can combine in multiple fashions to form the different types of angles in mathematics. Let us begin by studying these different types of angles in geometry. Parts of Angle Vertex – Point where the arms meet. Arms – Two straight line segments form a vertex. Angle – If a ray is rotated about its endpoint, the measure of its rotation is called angle between its initial and final position. Classification of Angles Angles can be classified into two main types: Based on Magnitude Based on Rotation Angle Types Based on Magnitude Six Types of Angles In Maths, there are mainly 5 types of angles based on their direction. These five angle types are the most common ones used in geometry. These are: Ac